psychology matters

Psychology Matters

Did you know that psychologists cannot promote their work through solicited or unsolicited testimonials according to our regulatory college?

While this makes sense, at Kells, we believe that communicating the vital importance of mental health is essential in our complex and the busy world today. We are confident that psychological interventions are effective for strengthening both personal mental health and relationships.

Healing can be encouraged and accelerated by working with a compassionate and knowledgeable psychologist. Although we cannot acknowledge direct recommendations for specific psychologists, we would love to receive your thoughts on how accessing therapy has been beneficial in your life and in others’ lives! Here is what some of our clients have to say.

Why is psychology wonderful?

“Psychology is wonderful because I am using the tools everyday to better my life. The Kells team is always there to help.”

“Psychology is wonderful because it helps some of us realize that we’ll never be alone. There’s someone who knows everything about you and still cares.”

“Psychology is wonderful because it has helped me learn about myself. It has helped me to embrace who I am and feel empowered to change the things that need to be changed, but still accept the things I cannot change.”

“Psychology is wonderful because it can help clarify what the right thing to do is. It can identify the strengths you have to take the right step forward.” 

“Psychology helps people find clarity and gives them the strength to take steps in the right direction”

“It makes me think about happy things” – Age 7 

“It’s really fun! I love doing activities like glitter jars.” – Age 8

“Kells is such a blessing! I have been through a number of major life changes in such a short time. My psychologist has helped me to find the strength within myself that comes from my faith.”

How has psychology helped you?

“Psychology is an awesome tool! It helped me reassess and re-evaluate areas in my life that I needed to address. Key Factor: connect with someone who has the skills to assist you through your process”

“Psychology helped me a lot—it helped me sort out my feelings and to realize I was pretty normal for feeling what I was feeling. It also helped me improve my relationships.”

“Psychology has given many of my family members hope and help. It gives me comfort to know they have someone to listen and help when they need it.”

“Counselling helped me find ways to express my feelings that I did not know existed before. It helped me sort out some of the issues I had been dealing with.”

“It helps me not to worry so much” – Age 6

“Psychology has helped me become my best self” 

“Psychology really helped me feel good about my family because of all the toys. I got to make a small doll house  ” – Age 8

“Counselling helps me find ways to cope when I am overwhelmed and stressed.”

“Kells is such a blessing! I have been through a number of major life changes in such a short period of time. My psychologist has helped me to find the strength within myself that comes from my faith in the Triune God. She has provided a listening ear, heart, and spirit. She has been an important instrument of God’s healing that continues. I am grateful for this place and these people.”

Email us at main@kellscounselling.mysites.io if you want to add your thoughts.